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ABSTRAK Pengembangan LKPD dilatarbelakang kurang sarana prasarana seperti laboratorium dan perangkat pembelajaran seperti buku, modul dan LKPD serta sebagian besar guru mengajar kurang sesuai dengan jurusannya terutama pelajaran Kimia. LKPD yang ingin dibuat oleh peneliti yaitu LKPD Kimia berbasis proyek pembuata pupuk organik yang didalamnya terintegrasi model pembelajaran PJBL.Model Project based learning (PJBL) merupakan suatu model pembelajaran yang melibatkan suatu projek dalam proses pembelajaran (Almuzhir. 2022). Subjek uji coba adalah 4 orang guru kimia dengan uji coba kelayakan serta 40 orang peserta didik dengan uji coba pemakaian. Data dikumpulkan dengan teknik kuesioner dan wawancara. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa produk media pembelajaran berupa LKPD kimia pembuatan pupuk organik layak digunakan dalam proses pembelajaran. Hasil ini ditunjukkan oleh (1) hasil penilaian ahli materi termasuk dalam kategori “sangat valid” dengan skor rata-rata 87,5%, (2) hasil penilaian ahli media termasuk dalam kategori “sangat valid” dengan skor rata-rata 93,3%, (3) hasil penilaian uji kelayakan oleh guru termasuk dalam kategori “sangat layak” dengan skor rata-rata 88,3%, (4) hasil respon peserta didik termasuk dalam kategori “sangat menarik” dengan skor rata-rata 88, 45%. Kata Kunci: Project based learning, Green chemistry, LKPD Pembelajaran. ABSTRACT The development of LKPD was based on a lack of infrastructure such as laboratories and learning tools such as books, modules and LKPD and most teachers did not teach according to their major, especially chemistry. The LKPD that the researcher wants to create is a chemistry LKPD based on a project for making organic fertilizer which includes the PJBL learning model. The Project Based Learning (PJBL) model is a learning model that involves a project in the learning process (Almuzhir. 2022). The test subjects were 4 chemistry teachers with feasibility trials and 40 students with usage trials. Data was collected using questionnaire and interview techniques. The results of the research show that the learning media product in the form of a LKPD on chemistry for making organic fertilizer is suitable for use in the learning process. These results are shown by (1) the results of the material expert's assessment are included in the "very valid" category with an average score of 87.5%, (2) the results of the media expert's assessment are included in the "very valid" category with an average score of 93.3 %, (3) the results of the feasibility test assessment by the teacher are included in the "very appropriate" category with an average score of 88.3%, (4) the results of student responses are included in the "very interesting" category with an average score of 88.45 %. Keywords: Project based learning, Green chemistry, Learning LKPD.

Item Type: Thesis (S1)
Subjects: L Education > LB Theory and practice of education
L Education > LC Special aspects of education
Divisions: Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan > 84204 - Jurusan Pendidikan Kimia
Depositing User: Rahmaniah
Date Deposited: 11 Dec 2024 03:15
Last Modified: 11 Dec 2024 03:15
URI: https://rama.unimal.ac.id/id/eprint/8546

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