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Ikhwanul Ansar_160160034_Analisis Ergonomi Fasilitas Tempat Wudhu Masjid di Kota Lhokseumawe Berdasarkan Antropometri.pdf

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Salah satu elemen penting yang menentukan tingkat kenyamanan Masjid adalah fasilitas tempat berwudhu, yang meliputi akses ke tempat berwudhu, rambu-rambu dan prasarana, serta komponen aliran air wudhu itu sendiri. Penelitian tentang fasiltas wudhu belum banyak dilakukan, terlebih lagi pada fasilitas wudhu di Kota Lhokseumawe. Batasan penelitian ini hanya dilakukan pada 10 Masjid dengan kriteria yang sudah ditentukan dalam pemilihan objek. Masjid-masjid yang terpilih ini merupakan Masjid yang aktif digunakan oleh jama’ah pada shalat lima waktu dan berada di pinggir jalan umum. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode campuran (mix method) yaitu metode kualitatif (kuesioner) dan kuantitatif (terukur) dengan analisa kajian perbandingan, yaitu membandingkan dengan standar ergonomi yang ada lalu menuangkan dalam bentuk tabulasi dan memberikan skala penilaian dan penjelasan. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian yang dilakukan maka ditemukan 5 Masjid secara keseluruhan sudah memenuhi standar ergonomi dan 5 lainnya belum memenuhi secara keseluruhan. Terdapat 2 Masjid yang sudah menyedikan fasilitas wudhu duduk dan berdiri dan 8 Masjid lainnya hanya menyedikan fasilitas wudhu berdiri. Adapun rekomendasi desain tempat wudhu yang diusulkan secara keseluruhan meliputi tinggi kran dari lantai, jarak antar kran, jarak kran keposisi berdiri/saluran pembuangan, rak/tempat barang dan kondisi lantai yang digunakan. Kata Kunci: Ergonomi, Masjid, Fasilitas, Wudhu, Rekomendasi, Desain One of the important elements that determines the comfort level of a mosque is the ablution facility, which includes access to the ablution area, signs and infrastructure, as well as the components of the ablution water flow itself. Not much research has been done on ablution facilities, especially on ablution facilities in Lhokseumawe City. The limitations of this research were only carried out on 10 mosques with predetermined criteria in selecting objects. These selected mosques are mosques that are actively used by the congregation during the five daily prayers and are located on the side of a public road. This research uses a mixed method, namely qualitative (questionnaire) and quantitative (measurable) methods with comparative study analysis, namely comparing with existing ergonomic standards then presenting them in tabulation form and providing an assessment scale and explanation. Based on the results of the research conducted, it was found that 5 mosques as a whole have met ergonomic standards and 5 others have not met them as a whole. There are 2 mosques that provide sitting and standing ablution facilities and 8 other mosques only provide standing ablution facilities. The overall proposed ablution design recommendations include the height of the faucet from the floor, the distance between the faucets, the distance between the faucet and the standing position/drain pipe, shelves/places for goods and the condition of the floor used. Keywords: Ergonomics, Mosques, Facilities, Ablution, Recommendations, Design

Item Type: Thesis (S1)
Subjects: H Social Sciences > HB Economic Theory
Divisions: Fakultas Teknik > 23201 - Jurusan Teknik Arsitektur
Depositing User: Ikhwanul Ansar
Date Deposited: 06 Feb 2024 04:17
Last Modified: 06 Feb 2024 04:17
URI: https://rama.unimal.ac.id/id/eprint/436

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